Calculator Skills
The UIL Calculator Skills Coach is Ms. McLemore, 6th and 7th Grade Math Teacher.
Her e-mail address is mclemorel@lisd.net.
Practice Days:
When: Wednesday
Where: Ms. McLemore's Room 5015
What time: Before School 8:25-8:51 and After School 4:10-4:45
General Rules:
1) You will be using the yellow TI 84-plus on the entire test
2) The test is 30 minutes
3) Answers must be written in 3 significant digits with plus or minus 1 digit on the 3rd digit.
example: The correct answer to 40-3.2 is 36.8
acceptable answers: 36.8, 3.68 x 10, 3.68 x 101
unacceptable answers: 3.68E1, 3.68 x 100, 36.8 x 10
4) Dollar Sign answers must be to the 100th place (correct cents +/- 1)
example: The correct answer to $7 - $5.36 is $1.64
acceptable answers: $1.64, $1.65, $1.63
unacceptable answers: $1.640, $1.62, $1.60, $1.66
5) All problems through the last attempted will be grades
6) +5 for correct answers
7) -4 for incorrect answers, incomplete, or skipped answers